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One of the busiest Easter periods in recent years means tyre safety checks paramount, urges TyreSafe


As the long Easter weekend approaches, families are preparing to set off to spend time with relatives, which may involve long journeys up and down the country. This year is set to be even busier than last year, as 26 million drivers are planning journeys over the Easter period, according to an AA poll*. Data recorded by TyreSafe supporter Highways England shows more than 1 billion miles were driven last Easter weekend**.
Motorists may even encounter snow in the North of England and Scotland according to the Met Office***.
With such varied driving conditions likely it is essential for motorists to check their tyres before making any long journeys this Easter urges TyreSafe.
One of the main causes for concern is the number of vehicles driven on underinflated tyres. TyreSafe reported last year that underinflated tyres were costing the British economy £600 million in unnecessary fuel costs as well as increasing the risk of being involved in an incident. Motorists must remember when taking a family trips, their vehicle is likely to be carrying more passengers and luggage than usual, meaning the tyre pressures must be adjusted to suit the new heavier load.
Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chairman, said: “The four-day Easter weekend offers motorists the chance of a break with their families, which will be all the more enjoyable knowing they’ve taken every precaution to stay safe while travelling. That’s especially true for those who are making longer journeys than they’re used to in a vehicle with a much heavier load than normal.
“Ensuring your tyres are correctly inflated, have no cuts, lumps or bulges, and adequate tread depth can help reduce the risk of incidents on the roads. These simple checks can be crucial to a good Easter weekend.” 
TyreSafe has also offered some egg-sential Easter advice for the period.
Air Pressure – correct tyre pressures are shown on a sticker in your car’s door shut, filler cap or in the owner’s manual.  Use an accurate pressure gauge to ensure they are right for the load as part of your pre-journey planning

Condition – stones and other objects in the tread should be removed. Bulges, cracks, cuts and embedded objects are cause for concern and need to be checked by a professional

Tread – use a 20p coin to see whether your tyres’ tread depths are at least 1.6mm. Insert the 20p at several points across and around each tyre. If you can see the coin’s outer rim at any point the tyre is illegal and must be changed immediately.
For more information on all aspects of tyre safety, visit
*Source: AA-Populus received 20,435 responses from AA members to its online poll between 13 and 20 March 2018.
**Source: Highways England Easter Getaway press release issued on 13 March 2018
***Source: Met Office press release on a Mixed Picture For Easter issued on 26 March 2018

Caravan and motorhome owners reminded of essential checks for tyre safety

TyreSafe is reminding motorhome and caravan owners of the importance of ensuring their tyres are in a roadworthy condition before they head to the roads. As both types of vehicle are likely to be parked or stored for a considerable period of time each year, and due to the specific demands placed on them during use, it is essential their tyres are regularly checked. Tyres should be in good condition, inflated correctly and have a tread depth of at least the minimum limit of 1.6mm.
To help owners minimise the risks of a tyre-related incident, TyreSafe has a range of tools and guidance, which are free to use and easily accessed via
Two animations guide owners through the checks they can carry out themselves, at least once a month and before setting off on a tour. Overall condition is an issue which needs particular attention. As tyres deteriorate more rapidly when not in use, especially if left exposed to the elements and if they have been supporting the vehicle’s weight, so particular care should be taken to carry out a thorough visual inspection.
Start by looking for any signs of damage such as lumps, bumps or cuts, and deterioration which is most commonly seen as cracking in the sidewall. Also look for any objects which might be caught in the tread pattern, which should be removed with a blunt tool if possible. It’s important to remember, a tyre can be damaged even when brand new so these checks should be carried out regularly, and certainly if you suspect you’ve run over a pothole or through road debris.
Caravan and motorhomes’ (up to 3.5 tonnes) tyres must have a tread depth above the legal limit of 1.6mm across the central ¾ of each tyre’s width and its entire circumference. Ideally, an accurate tread depth gauge should be used to check but if this is not available then a 20p piece may be used as a guide to see how close they are to this limit. Insert the 20p into the main tread and at various points around the circumference – should you see the outer rim at any point, you need to have the tread depth checked as it may be illegal.
TyreSafe has two animations specifically detailing these and other tyre safety information for caravan and motorhome users in the ‘Film & Animation Library’ at, where unique tyre pressure calculators are also available. TyreSafe recommends tyres are inflated to the pressures recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, typically found in the owner’s handbook or on a plaque fixed to the bodywork. However, when this is not available, TyreSafe’s calculators will provide a guide pressure based on vehicle weight, tyre size and wheel configuration.
Both are found under the ‘Check Your Pressures’ section and are accessible from mobile devices.
Stuart Jackson, Chairman of TyreSafe, said: “Caravan and motorhome tyres face particularly challenging conditions of use. As they are usually driven close to their maximum weight, the tyres come under significant loads, especially when cornering. To reduce the risk of an incident, owners should take that into account and always remember to check their vehicle’s tyres are in good roadworthy condition and correctly inflated regularly.
TyreSafe has all the resources owners need to carry out these essential tyre maintenance checks themselves but ultimately it is the driver’s responsibility to carry them out.”
Leaflets and online materials on caravan and motorhome tyres are available to download and you can also find our caravan and motorhome pressure calculators at

Get your tyres Easter holidays ready!

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About the author

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By Gareth Vrac
Gareth is an Area Manager for Protyre. Gareth is passionate about the automotive industry and likes keeping up to date on the latest automotive news and activities across the UK.  
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