Customer Services at

Our promise to you... Great service

We pride ourselves on delivering the best service to you. From new tyres to replacement batteries, servicing and mechanical work, our professional team will guide you in making the right choice.

Our commitment to you:

  • We will always be courteous, friendly, and attentive

  • We will inspect your vehicle thoroughly and offer you unbiased advice, providing you with the right solution for your motoring needs

  • We will honestly advise you on what your vehicle needs to enable you to make an informed decision

  • We will never try to sell you anything that you do not need

  • We will provide you with an all inclusive quotation before we start any work on your vehicle and keep you informed of how work is progressing

  • We will treat your vehicle with the same care as we would treat our own

  • We invest in the latest technology to ensure the safety of your vehicle

  • We will always fit quality parts and offer your old parts back. All parts left with us will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner

  • We inspect all finished work to ensure accuracy and safety

  • We want to learn from your experience and welcome your feedback please send your comments to


We consistently score 97% -100% customer satisfaction from third party review sites, such as:


Motor Industry Code of Practice


While we are passionate about delivering the best customer service and looking after our customers, we know there may be times when you believe something may have gone wrong and so to ensure things are always put right, please contact us.

You can contact us at

We will endeavour to resolve the issue to your satisfaction but should you still not feel satisfied with your resolution you have the reassurance that we subscribe to the Motor Industry Code of Practice for Service and Repair. This Code is governed by Motor Ombudsman; the government back self-regulatory body for the motor industry.

Contacting the Motor Ombudsman

If you would like to get in touch with the Motor Ombusdman, you can do so by using the details below:

Post: 71 Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 2BN

Telephone: 0345 241 3008 (Option 1)

Email: | Website: