Protyre News


Four friends embark on epic road trip from Carlisle to Benidorm for charity


Keith Leggett, Garage Manager at Gates Tyres and three of his closest friends are embarking on an animal-themed road trip from Carlisle to Benidorm to raise money for two charities. Keith lost his son to a brain tumour almost ten years ago and charity, Clic Sargent, supported both him and his family during this tough period so he wants to give something back to them. His close friend Mike Pryde, lost his daughter to bowel cancer in 2017 so he is raising his money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Mike first saw the idea on Facebook a few years ago, just before his daughter Megan became ill. She wanted to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust so Mike thought this was the perfect opportunity to do so, while also raising the awareness of the charity. The Jurassic Party and animal theme for the car is personal to the group as Mike’s daughter loved Giraffes and the car’s design, styled like the infamous Jurassic Park tourist cars from the blockbuster film, will certainly turn heads wherever it goes.
The journey is part of the National Benidorm Bangers Rally charity campaign with over 40 cars taking part. The four friends set off from Carlisle on Monday 22nd April before meeting up with other cars taking part on the South Coast in the evening. They then travel across the channel on Tuesday from Dover and eventually arrive in Benidorm on Saturday 27th April.

To follow the guys on their epic journey, check out their Facebook page, ‘Doing it for the Kids’, where you can view their progress and donate. Every donation is being split 50/50 for Clic Sargent and the Teenage Cancer Trust. Click the button below to check out their Facebook page:

Doing it for the kids  

You can also donate directly on their Virgin Money Giving page here
Alternatively, Local residents from Carlisle can pop in to Gates Tyres – Team Protyre to donate.
The response to the campaign from Carlisle has been incredible, with many showing their support for these two fantastic charities. After the trip, Keith and co are donating the car to a local orphanage.

About the author

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By Adam White
Adam looks to create engaging and informative content across the website that provides consumers with expert advice on MOTs, servicing, vehicle maintenance and tyre care. As a motorsport enthusiast, Adam enjoys documenting the Protyre Motorsport team’s involvement in major motorsport events across the UK.
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