Protyre News


If your tyres don't stop you.. What will?


TyreSafe is asking drivers to consider the risks involved in not carrying out vital check on their tyres, and the potentially tragic consequences if they needed to stop in an emergency and their tyres failed.   

  • Alarmingly, more than half of Britain’s motorists are driving on defective tyres. That means that potentially, every second car you meet on the roads has impaired braking or handling ability.  

  • On average 153 motorists are killed or seriously injured each year as a result of tyre related incidents.  

  • 57% of tyres being driven on Britain’s roads are underinflated. Underinflated tyres are wasting £1 billion pounds a year in unnecessary fuel bills.  

  • Over 70% of motorists wait until their tyre tread is below 2mm before replacing them, with almost a third waiting until they are illegal, below 1.6mm.  


Their campaign depicts scenarios of everyday driving moments which leave you thinking about the what if.  These impactful and realistic images will resonate with a range of audiences, highlighting the potential stakes of driving on defective tyres.

Checking and maintaining your tyres can also help to reduce some of the cost of motoring since under inflated tyres will wear far quicker, needing replacing sooner than well-maintained tyres, and will also cause the vehicle to use more fuel. 
TyreSafe want to remind drivers to A.C.T. on tyre safety: 

  • Air pressure: check the air pressure on all of your tyres 

  • Condition: look for any cracks, lumps or bulges 

  • Tread: check tread depth using the 20p test 

About the author

Article Author Photo
By Paul Evans
Paul has been reporting on motorsport events for over 30 years. He was a staff member at Motoring News (1987-1994), where he worked on the Rally Round Up ‘Verglas’ desk. In addition to covering rounds of the British, European and World Rally Championships and writing up to six pages of rallying news stories per week, he also ghost-wrote the Richard Burns column and reported on events such as the Pike’s Peak Auto Hillclimb, Paris-Dakar Rally, Sydney-Darwin Australian Safari and the Paris-Moscow-Beijing Rally.
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