Protyre News
North East managers raise £1808 for charity
By Gareth Vrac
Galactosaemia is an extremely rare condition which prevents the galactose (sugar that comes from lactose) in the body being broken down for use in normal bodily functions, leaving harmful chemicals to build up and other serious illnesses to occur in the first few weeks of a child’s life once fed on lactose containing milk.
1 child in 45,000 or around 12 – 18 babies in the UK are born each year with Galactosaemia and if not diagnosed early enough the condition can be fatal. Unfortunately, some children develop speech and/or learning difficulties, especially in maths and science. There is no way of preventing this at present.
The Galactosaemia Support Group is a charity very close to manager of Sheffield City Centre, Stuart Ford. On the 28th May 2003, Stuart’s daughter Isobel was born. Two weeks later she became very ill and was admitted to hospital with liver damage as a result of Galactosaemia.
Stuart says, ‘We spent around two weeks in hospital with Isobel before she was well enough to come home. We quickly started to research Galactosaemia and found a parent run group who were able to offer help and provide support. It wasn’t long until we were invited to join and I am now the fundraising co-ordinator. Due to the extreme rarity of the condition, the group survives purely on membership fees and donations. I am extremely proud of what myself and colleagues in the North East have been able to achieve, a donation of over £1800 can really help in achieving the group’s core aims of support, research and advice.’