Protyre News


Protyre on Mission Christmas


Protyre have supported RockFM Mission Christmas Cash4Kids for the last two years. In 2016 the charity raised over £800,000 in gifts and cash making Christmas special for over 15,700 local children.

The charity ask for you to purchase an extra Christmas present this year that can be given to a disadvantaged local child to make their Christmas morning special. A disturbing figure of 1 in 4 local children between the ages of 0-18 are living in poverty in the region.

This year Protyre are not only designated gift collection points, but Mssion Christmas drivers collecting and dropping off the gifts to Mission HQ. In a heroic act of charity the drivers have even stepped in to cover shifts of collection drivers that have been unable to fulfuill their duties.

Our centers taking part:

Together we can make a difference to local children this Christmas.

About the author

Article Author Photo
By Gareth Vrac
Gareth is an Area Manager for Protyre. Gareth is passionate about the automotive industry and likes keeping up to date on the latest automotive news and activities across the UK.  
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