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Going away this Easter? Check your tyres before you set off


Easter is one of the busiest times of the year for UK motorists so it is vital that you check your tyres before you set off on your journey.

TyreSafe, the UK’s leading road safety charity is urging all motorists to inspect their vehicle’s tyres before they set off on their travels. Easter holidays vary across the country so it’s to be expected that the volume of traffic on UK roads will be very high for most of April.

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The long Easter weekend with Good Friday and Bank Holiday Monday is 19th to 22nd April which is where we are likely to see the highest number of people on the roads as they set off across the country for an extended weekend. A 2018 survey by the AA revealed that over 80% of its respondents were planning on travelling during this weekend and Highways England reported that over the holiday period, 1 billion miles were driven by motorists.

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Unpredictable road conditions are to be expected due the varying English weather from region to region but by performing simple yet highly-important tyre checks can reduce these issues to a minimum. By taking the time to carry out these basic checks, motorists can prevent delays, additional expense and in worse cases, injury or death.

Additional luggage and a full car of family or friends will need to be counter-balanced by an increase in tyre pressure, as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer in your owner’s manual.

TyreSafe also offer additional tyre advice before travelling this Easter:

  • Air Pressure: Correct tyre pressure can be found in your owner’s manual, fuel filler cap or on a sticker in your car’s door shut. As part of you pre-journey planning, use a pressure gauge to ensure they are right for the load

  • Condition: Drivers are advised to remove any stones or debris from the tyre’s tread if possible to do without damaging the tyre. Bulges, cracks, cuts and objects embedded in the tyre need to be checked by a professional and should not be driven on, especially over a long distance

  • Tread: Checking your tyre’s tread should be a regular occurrence but also before a ong journey or day trip. If you do not have access to a tread depth gauge, you can take the 20p test. Place a 20p piece in the tread at several points across each tyre. If you can see the coin’s outer rim at all, the tyre may be below the legal tread depth of 1.6mm and you should seek advice from a professional.

“The long Easter weekend is a much welcome break for families to take some time to spend together. Drivers who know they have taken every precaution to ensure their journeys go as smoothly as possible, will be able to relax properly. That’s especially true for those who are making longer journeys than they’re used to in a vehicle which is also likely to be much heavier load than normal. TyreSafe’s recommended checks help reduce the risks of an incident on the road and help reduce fuel consumption and increase the life of your tyres.”

Stuart Jackson | TyreSafe Chairman

About the author

Article Author Photo
By Jason Simms
Jason was a motoring journalist and photographer for 12 years’ before he joined the PR world 11 years ago. Being a genuine petrolhead, he’s always had an interest in the technical side of automotive, which he’s carried over into his time with TyreSafe. Jason’s been working for the UK’s charity dedicated to raising awareness on tyre safety for over four years and is proud to be part of the team which has helped reduce tyre-related casualties by 46% since TyreSafe’s inception in 2006.
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