It Happened To Me
Protyre is proud to be supporting TyreSafe’s latest awareness campaign #ItHappenedToMe which calls upon people to send in their stories where they have suffered from a tyre-related incident.
By using the hashtag, or by submitting your story here, this will help to promote the crucial message of how important it is to regularly have your tyres checked as well as other essential routine vehicle maintenance.
Whether it’s a tyre puncture, discovering your spare tyre isn’t usable or something even more serious, TyreSafe is encouraging you to get in touch.
Regular checks by vehicle drivers will help reduce this and the hundreds of thousands of breakdowns caused by tyre-related issues. By sharing their stories, those who have suffered a tyre-related incident will encourage other road users to carry out this essential routine vehicle maintenance.
Those willing to participate can share their stories with across Tyresafe's social media channels on Twitter and TyreSafeUK on Facebook, or via the contact form on the Tyresafe website