Servicing for my Peugeot

Car servicing has taken on new significance since the new VED (Vehicle Excise Duty) regulations were announced earlier this year, making it vital that you maintain as much as of the value of your car as you can. We believe that the way forward is a combination of servicing your vehicle at a garage you can trust and adopting a hands on approach to the upkeep of your vehicle. The most common Peugeot's that we service at Protyre are 206, 208, 307 and 308.

Protyre is one of the UK's leading fitters and suppliers of tyres, and providers of car services for brands such as Peugeot. We offer partner servicing for your Peugeot, maintaining the same standards as your dealership, but at an affordable price. When servicing your Peugeot, it's important to be aware of any known MOT issues for your particular model. We provide Peugeot 2008 servicing, as well as servicing for the 307, 607, 3008, 5008 and most other Peugeot models.

Each one of Peugeot's cars has some common MOT failure issues. Lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment are first on the list, followed by brakes, and then a combination of tyres and suspension. The percentages vary from model to model. For Peugeot 3008 servicing, lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment have an 11.3% fail rate, compared with 19.5% for the Peugeot 5008 servicing, 34.5% for Peugeot 307 servicing and 26% for Peugeot 607 servicing. Suspension is an MOT issue for both Peugeot 307 and 607, with the 307 model experiencing a fail rate of 17.8%, compared with 13.9% for the 607.

Don't be intimidated by the technology used to operate your vehicle. Most people are convinced that the only way to service and maintain your car is by taking it to an expert. As a result, DIY car care has dwindled significantly. Added to that, the attitude of our throwaway society to run out and "buy a new one", rather than maintaining what we have, means that fewer car owners are getting involved in looking after their cars. In fact, the AA has revealed that 50% of their annual 3.5 calls are to tend to poorly maintained cars.

At Protyre, we believe that the car owner can work in partnership with their trusted local garage, to maintain a vehicle's safety, performance and value, without breaking the bank or spending too much of your free time on it. Start by keeping it simple: keep your car tidy and clean, and ensure that things like lightbulbs are checked and changed regularly and your windscreen wiper fluid is topped up. Talk to us too - we're passionate about cars and we can help you ensure that yours goes the distance.

Peugeot Servicing at Protyre

Protyre are able to offer three packages for servicing your Peugeot. These include Gold (Full), Silver (Interim) and Bronze (Check Up) car servicing in a number of locations nationwide.

Protyre can offer Peugeot Servicing in the following locations: