Car Service Due

When does my car need a service?

Although the exact servicing recommendations will vary depending on your vehicle's make and model, the general rule of thumb is that you should book your car in for a full service every year, or every 12,000 miles, whichever comes first.
If you have had your car for a while but aren't sure when you last had a service, your car's log book should have all the information you need. Check your book for the most recent servicing stamp to see when it last underwent a full service. If you purchase a used car, you should always ask when the last full service was performed. Do some research before you buy to find out about any common problems that the particular make and model tends to suffer from. Always check the car log book before committing to purchasing a vehicle as you will be able to see the stamp from when it last had a full service.
If you're not sure how often to service your car, check the vehicle manual. Manufacturers will always tell you how often you should service your car, and will also outline what a service should include. Many manufacturers recommend full services at certain mileage milestones or age milestones, so be sure that you don't miss any of these recommended services. Many modern cars will have a handy computer that will keep track of your vehicle's service history. If applicable, your mechanic will reset your car's servicing clock when your service is complete. It will then begin the countdown to your next service.
Many vehicles also feature various self-diagnostic tools that alert the driver when something is wrong with the car. You should never ignore these warning signs as they can be extremely useful in keeping your car running efficiently and nipping any potential problems in the bud. Even if you have recently had a service and are confident that your car is fine, you should always take your car to an appropriate mechanic if the dashboard tells you that something needs looking at or fixing.
Finally, if you are tempted to skip a service: don't. You might think that you're saving money and your car might be running perfectly well with no apparent problems but a service is essential to pick up any minor issues before they turn into serious problems. Although a car service might initially seem like an unnecessary expense if you're happy with your car's performance, you could very well be setting yourself up for a nasty surprise and a hefty bill further down the line if you miss it. In addition, a properly serviced car is safer and more economical to drive. You should always opt for the most thorough service that you can afford. And, while interim services can be considerably cheaper than full services, they don't cover all the same tests and checks as the full service. This might be enough to keep your car ticking over until you book in for a full service, but don't leave it too long.

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At Protyre we’re the local garage you can trust. With a network of over 184 garages across the country, we offer bronze, silver and gold service options to keep your car running smoothly. So don’t delay, book your service today!